Doctors of South Carolina joining together to advocate for, promote, and improve the common business conditions and interests of independent physicians and the independent practice of medicine in South Carolina to ensure that patients have alternatives and access to high quality, doctor-driven care.

Recognized by:


The doctor–patient relationship remains the critical foundation of healthcare. Our sworn fiduciary responsibility as physicians demands that there be no discrepancy between our patients’ and our own interests.

Doctors are rapidly becoming employees of larger systems, resulting in fragmented care, severe cost increases, and breakdown of the direct doctor-patient relationship.  Independent Doctors of South Carolina (IndeDocs) resolves to work collaboratively to protect and promote independent practice, ensuring that physicians remain the advocates for the patients they serve.


Freedom – the ability to choose between alternatives and act in accordance with one’s choices is essential in healthcare. Independent Doctors and Patients have agendas that are completely aligned. Join IndeDocs to protect and promote the agendas we collaboratively choose.

The independent practice of medicine is a viable alternative for ALL specialties. It takes an organization that believes in this and is committed to promoting and facilitating this option.


We are dedicated to joint efforts to:

Protect the Doctor Patient Relationship

 The medical system depends upon healthy doctor-patient relationships, and at its core, this relationship requires confidence and trust on both sides to function. Independent physicians provide a personal element that larger systems simply cannot replicate along with a bevy of other benefits. Indedoc SC welcomes any interested employed MD/DO to become a non-voting Affiliate member. 

IndeDocs membership means standing together with our patients so that the people we know and care about within our communities receive the best treatment possible and the highest ideals of medicine remain upheld.

Assist Tenured Colleagues

For doctors-in-training, colleagues, and employed physicians curious about the realities of independent practice, we aim to provide practical assistance and continued education every step of the way. This will be accomplished through regular social events to bolster networking connections that specifically address the common concerns, questions, and needs of independent physicians.

IndeDocs also plans to facilitate group buying projects on key medical supplies and services. This pooled purchasing power increases financial viability and provides high value to your practice.

Advocate for Doctor & Patient Interests

Through formal lobbying and legislative efforts, we can help ensure the ongoing changes to the medical delivery system are positive ones. Indedocs will raise issues and propose solutions that are germane and highly relevant to actual doctors and patients rather than just corporate hospitals and special interest groups.

Members of IndeDocs formed a critical part of Coalition to Repeal CON, a 501 non-profit , which along with Americans for Prosperity, South Carolina Medical Association,the Charleston County Medical Society and other organizations, successfully repealed the restrictive Certificate of Need (CON) bill. Thanks to our combined efforts, doctors will regain further agency on where they can practice and patients their ability to choose where they can access their healthcare benefits.

We can achieve further progress through professional engagement with established legislators and other key community figures. Through in-person events, roundtable meetings, and other proven avenues, Indedocs will act as an advocate for doctors of all specialties and the patients they serve.

Improve Relationships Among Medical Practitioners

Improved working relationships between independent doctors, medical students, residents, and fellows ultimately increase our collective wisdom and ability to overcome the unknown challenges ahead.

Within these meetings, email communication, and social media, there will be the opportunity to develop networking and collective purchasing projects. We will encourage these types of conversations to occur regularly, as we believe it will lead to a higher level of understanding for all involved, and ultimately better quality care for patients.

The medical delivery system as we know it is changing, but by sharing our ideas and experiences across specialties, we give all independent physicians a strong, varied knowledge base from which to build.

Protecting the Doctor/Patient
relationship through
independent practice